Wednesday, October 26, 2011

No Bathroom Break Yet? Oh, Poop!

by Cathy

I've written here before about how we moms tend use the bathroom as a place of solace and solitude; we ALL could all use a Bathroom Break every now and then. But sometimes, even when you are actually using the bathroom for the services it was actually meant to provide - your basic hygienic upkeep and the relieving of your intestines, we still can't cut a break.

Mom friends of mine have shared stories with me about the shenanigans that ensue when they are using the toilet - how their toddlers sit on their laps while they read them books and sing songs or how they're crouching over and playing Legos or Barbies with them on the bathroom rug.

Now that my five-year old realizes that we all need privacy when we use the bathroom, she is willing to give me that from time to time. However, one night after her bath, she insisted on being a part of my bathroom time. Perhaps she wanted to upkeep the attention she received during the bath?

I am always taking advantage of my bathroom "alone" time by reading or checking email on my phone, and as luck would have it, I captured Ari's latest tactic of 'door measuring' on the video below. This is yet another clever way of how she is using her creative ways to invade my Bathroom Break.  (Turn up the volume.)

I had to laugh and even marvel at her determination and creativity. She will try anything to get my attention (which I am always giving her, by the way), even if it's through a locked door - the ultimate sign of KEEP OUT.

After observing this shenanigan of my own, I can comfortably say that even when I turn my young child away by requesting privacy, not only is she beginning to realize the concept of what that means, but at the same time, she finds ways to utilize her resourcefulness to still get what she wants. Kudos to her. Although she doesn't realize it now, this is surely yet another lesson that will come in handy for her later on in life.

But in the meantime? I can flush my "alone time" down the toilet.

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