Monday, October 3, 2011

Why Is It That...

by Cathy

...I am the last one to go to bed at night and the first one up in the morning?

...when people in my house are looking for something in a cabinet/closet/drawer/laundry basket, they a) can't find it even if it's staring them right in the face and b) must take everything out in order to find that one thing and then LEAVE it all on the counter/floor/dresser???

...they put their dirty clothes ON TOP of the hamper, but not IN it?

...they all move at a snail's pace and I am usually the one ready and waiting at the door, tapping my foot impatiently, hyperventilating and pointing at the clock?

...laundry and dishes in my house multiply like Gremlins? And how fitting...didn't Gremlins multiply when they came in contact with water? Am I totally aging myself for bringing up Gremlins? matter where I step, whatever teeny, tiny, obscure spot under a bed/chair/couch/any corner of my house, I will inevitably step on something - food crumbs, spilled liquid, petrified cheerios, or sharp/noisy toys? one hears what I am saying or does what I ask unless - I scream it? Yeah, I'm Greek and this is how we normally talk, but seriously? Why does my voice have to go to DEFCON 1 so I can be heard?

...a trip to Target with the kids turns into a day at Disneyland? "I want pizza" then elicits "I have to go kaka" and before I know it, I have spent an hour and a half there and bought nothing. In fact, I even forgot why I went.

...there are four of us living in the house and there is only ONE person keeping up after everyone? This must violate some type of labor law somewhere.

...everyone else's house is soooo much better than our solitary confinement of a house. "But mom, they have a basement! They have an attic! They have a cat AND a dog! They have a Wii!!"

...I can never run out of things to say that begin with, 'Why Is It That?' Stay tuned...more to come as life hands them to me.

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