Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lights Out

I'm driving home the other night with my two girls in the car, on the Edens expressway no less. It was about 10pm and I was following my husband and his parents home from a family visit in Northbrook. Since I got caught at a red light before getting on the Edens, they were way ahead of me.

I continued on, windows down, enjoying the warm evening breeze, singing along to a song on the radio while the girls were playing on whatever electronic device they had in the back seat, when something briefly appeared and caught my eye on the left, front side of my car. It seemed as though something flapped up against the car and went away. 'Strange,' I thought.

So I kept driving and singing, when I looped into a wide turn in the road, and the wind caught whatever was flapping right underneath it. And there it was. Staring me right in the face: MY HEADLIGHT.

If you squint a bit, you can see it sticking out over my dashboard, like a dog ear perked up to hear what's going on.

I drove like that down the Edens for about 10 more minutes, laughing my ass off the entire time at the absolute ludicrous circumstances that freely hand over blog fodder. When I exited, I snapped this shot.

So being the ever-resourceful superwoman that women have now evolved into, I took hold of that headlight, put it into position and popped it back in with my fist. Done...until next time when that headlight finds the most inappropriate time to rear its ugly head.


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