Wednesday, September 14, 2011


by Cathy

School has been in session for not even two weeks...and I'm already exhausted.

Towards the end of summer, I was begging for school season to hurry up and arrive and show me mercy from the endless boredom I felt compelled to pull my kids continually out of AND overcome the mountain of guilt I felt when I couldn't.

Little did I know, I would be like a hamster in one of those wheels - running continuously, never getting anywhere and feeling exhausted. As the song so eloquently puts it, "Every day I'm shuffalin'..."

I am now, officially, a bag lady. I have bags coming out the wazoo at my house. For what, you ask?

Bella's backpack; Ari's backpack; Bella's lunchbox; Ari's lunchbox; Ari's snack bag; Bella's volleyball bag; Ari's ballet bag; Bella's ballet bag; Ari's swimming bag; my work bag; Joe's work bag; my purse; plastic bags; ziploc bags in every size...and on.

Those bags need to be filled - with homework that's been completed and checked; with a lunch for each girl PLUS a fresh water bottle every day which gets shuffled between bags depending on activities; with several snacks for Bella since she has long days; with two separate snacks for Ari; with fresh washed ballet gear/swimming gear/volleyball jersey and gear; with my work papers and calendar; with everything under the sun.

After we've regrouped at home, had dinner (did I mention I have to whip that up too after a day of working and the kids come home starved?), wash the dishes (if I don't I'll be really upset waking up and seeing that disaster in my sink), clean up the kitchen, start lunches for the following day, pack snacks, decide what to make for dinner the following night, make sure the kids' homework is done and in the folders, make sure appropriate activity bags are packed and ready to go, make sure the kids brush their teeth and get to bed on time, and FINALLY get a chance to sit down and relax, catch a DVR'd show and chat with my husband before he falls asleep.

All the while, I have to remember to take care of me. Did I eat today? I really need to use the bathroom; make sure I don't walk out of the house with only one earring, no deodorant, mascara on only one eye, barrettes in my hair, stickers on my shirt, teeth not brushed. Did I remember to pack MY lunch?

I try to get a little of "me time" in before I hit the hay and wake up to begin the process of prying the kids out of bed in the morning, make sure they have clean uniforms and socks, make their breakfast, style their hair and get them out the door in time with all of their necessary bags for the day, get MYSELF ready for work and start the whole process all over again.

And so it begins.

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