Monday, May 7, 2012

A Year in Our Lives

by Cathy & Patti

This blog post is dedicated to our dear, sweet, big-hearted Texan beauty: Michelle. Without you, this would not be.

Today marks the one year anniversary of our blog.

On May 7th, 2011, we took They Whine We Wine live with its quirky and humorous name and equally quirky and humorous stories from our lives, and brought it all to you - our loyal supporters, readers and the now many new friends. 

Cathy's sip:

Some people need to talk things through with a professional to figure things out.
They have psychiatrists, therapists and counselors.
Other people need to write things out as a means to work things through or keep records of their thoughts and experiences.
They keep a daily journal.
We have this blog.

This blog started out as a fluke; a crazy suggestion offered up by our BFF, Michelle. (Yes, THE Michelle referred to as Miche or Miche-again repeatedly in our posts.) Anyway, Miche suggested in jest that because Patti and I are just too dang funny and entertaining, (no modesty here) and have similar, crazy, thoughtful stories to constantly share with people, that we should start a dueling blog.

"What's that?" we asked.

"You know," she offered up, not so much in jest anymore. "You could each post stories and the other one gets to respond and back and forth and so on!"

Ooooooh. Now that sounded fun. After going back and forth on ideas, strategies, deciding on a name (this blog was almost called Cheerios In My Bra), and finally setting a start date and sticking to it - we did it. Of course we had to work out the kinks along the way like who would post on what days, the addition of our dual (not duel) posts every Friday, themes and cultural nuances, the ongoing sprucing up of our homepage, and excuses to hold WineWhine parties at each other's houses to "strategize" on the blog.

Here, one year later, I want to share with you what this blog has meant for me:

I have learned that what really leaves an imprint on your heart's memory, are the little moments within the big moments like the sweet tidbits of information that gets revealed to you when you tuck your kids in at night, the reaction to a surprise, the curl of your child's fist when they're asleep, the unsolicited compliment by your significant other, the first time your toddler was able to read a sentence, write a word or draw a picture of you, or the size of their tears as they drip down their face when they come to you for comfort.

I have discovered that life has a lesson to offer in EVERYTHING that happens to you, whether it be tragic, humorous, mundane, dramatic, unplanned, life-changing, eventful or boring. What matters is that you find out what that is. So for me, in trying to discover that, I found that this blog has been my proverbial rose-colored glasses: I use it to choose to find the humor or lesson in the scenes and scenarios in my life rather than the disdain and annoyance.

This blog has allowed me to understand myself, my kids, my friends, my husband, my family and my life better than before, since I take the time to dismantle scenarios and write them out. And in doing so, I have found that life is, in the end, rather funny in its own obvious and mysteriously hidden ways.

Through this blog, I have uncovered the layers within myself, to expose parts of me I never thought I'd show myself, let alone others. I have learned to trust my inner voice, to take better care of ME, to consciously be present in the moments of every day and make a cognizant effort to keep a positive attitude not only for myself, but more so, for my family. And that the bottom line, is that really? I have everything to be thankful for.

Pattis' sip:

When I tell people that, as a child, I was so shy my brother had to speak for me, they look at me like they’re waiting for the punch line. It’s true: I was painfully, heartbreakingly shy. And still can be.

That’s why, when Miche, who was probably tired of being the solo audience to our combined neurosis, suggested this whole blog thing -- well, it was a little scary for me. Because then, you know, I’d be sharing things like feelings. I’d be writing things that were true. Things that were real. And then people would know things.  And that would make those things more true and more real.

But I did it anyway. (Because that is the motto Cathy and I are sharing this year: Do it anyway.) And guess what? The world didn't go and get all crazy-like and implode. Instead, as time has gone on, I have found something kind of liberating in this whole sharing thing. Yes, it is scary; but it is also wonderful to know that when I put myself on the line, somebody else out there is being touched, moved, comforted. Somebody feels less...alone.

It hasn’t only been a cathartic journey for me; it has also been a deepening of friendship. Doing this by myself would not have been nearly as fun. It’s a bit like jumping of a diving board with a friend. You both stand there, your toes playing with the edge, holding hands, and then you both plug your noses and count to three. And then? You both jump, together, hands encircled, trusting each other. And somehow, that makes the jump much less scary, and much, much more fun. And that is what Cathy has been to me in this journey: My jumping partner. She would say I’m much more “out there” than she is, but she is a little more brave than I when it comes to taking a chance. She has what I call “delusional confidence”, and that confidence has carried us both.

Our blog is still tiny. Our traffic can be embarrassing some days. And though we at one time obsessed with getting those hits, we now just write to write. If they come, they come. It matters not, because we love doing it. For ourselves, for you.

Thank you for reading.

We look forward to another year of ruminations, discoveries, surprises, milestones, and all of the little moments in between to share with you all. 

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