Wednesday, May 2, 2012

She can ring my be-e-ell, ring my bell! (My bell! Ding-a-ling-a-ling!)

by Patti

S has been sick the past few days, lounging in bed with a sore throat and a cold and recovering from a conk to the head that left her with a bump on the back of her head the size of, well, a head.

The first day of her sickness, she stayed home from school and I stayed home from work. In an attempt to make being sick fun, I set her up in our bed with fluffed-up pillows, her Kindle, some movies, and a bell. Yes, I gave her a bell - the kind you see dainty ladies in dainty sleeping gowns ring daintily from their dainty, frilly beds to call for their tea. "What's this?" S's eyes lit up.
"It's a bell. Since your throat hurts, instead of calling for me, you can just ring it when you need me."
"COOL!" She took the bell from me and gave it a test drive. "I LOVE THIS!"

I left the room and headed for the kitchen to do dishes. BY HAND. Because, you know, we still don't have a new dishwasher. Mid-pot scrub, I heard it. "Jingle, jingle, jingle!" I ran to the bedroom dramatically, slid in on my socks and bowed deeply. "Yes, ma'am. What can I do for you?" S laughed with delight. She couldn't believe her good fortune and the power of the bell.
"I'm thirsty. Can I have some water?"
"Sure, honey!"
I went back to the kitchen and filled a water bottle with ice and water and lots of love, and took it right back to her. "Here you go, ma'am."
"Thanks, mommy."
"You're welcome, moodge."

I headed back to the kitchen to finish the dishes, and within moments..."Jingle, jingle, jingle!" I once again shut off the water, peeled off my neon green Glam Gloves (yes, that is what they are called. Don't believe me? You can see them right here.), and went back to my bedroom. "Hi, sweetie. What is it?"
"Mommy? Can you find me 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' on YouTube?"
"Don't you want to watch something different? You've seen it, like, nine times."
"No, I love that movie, especially when I'm sick." And then she coughed for good effect.
"Okay..." I bent over her Kindle and expertly surfed YouTube until I found the movie. "Here you go!"
"Thanks, Mommy!"

Back at the sink again, the bell rang within minutes. This time I walked only half way to the bedroom. "What is it, sweetheart?"
"Mommy, that was only part one. I can't find part two."
I shuffled back into the bedroom, feeling a slight twinge of annoyance. I once again did my YouTube magic and managed to find the entire movie, set it up for her, and left the room. Again.
When I got back to the kitchen, M came home from running errands. "How is she?"
"She's - " Before I had the chance to answer, the familiar ringing filled the air.
"What's that?" M cocked his head towards the sound, his eyes searching the air.
"Oh. That. I gave her a bell."
M rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding me?"
"I thought it would be fun." The bell continued to ring in the distance, it's once delightful chime now mocking my decision. This time M went into the room, and I heard her giggle as he no doubt tickled her.

He was back within minutes and I had finally finished the dishes. "Jingle, jingle, jingle!" Not wanting to admit I had made a mistake, I sailed past M, an eager smile pasted on my face. "Fun! See?"
"Mommy? I'm hungry. But for something good." Because, you know, we normally crave something disgusting when we are hungry.
"What do you want?"
Oh, brother. I went back into the kitchen and toasted some cinnamon bread, slathered it with butter and cinnamon, and cut up some fruit in a little bowl, then put it all on a tray. "How's this?" I set the tray onto the bed with flourish as she propped herself up and gave me a nod of approval.

I joined M in the kitchen where we started going over some bills. "Jingle, jingle, jingle!"  I decided to pretend I didn't hear the bell, but the more M and I tried to talk over it, the louder it seemed to get. I didn't understand just how her SUPPOSEDLY SICK LITTLE HAND managed to ring that thing with such fervor and stamina. Finally; I snapped. "WHAT?" I yelled from the kitchen. The bell stopped suddenly, as if hurt by my tone. And then, it started ringing again, this time with more persistence.

I ran into the room, "WHAT IS IT, HONEEEEEEY?"
S looked all tiny and pale, propped up against the pillows, surrounded by Kleenex and stuffed animals, the movie's now all-too-familiar dialogue in the background. "I need tea. With cream. Please?"

Suddenly overcome with crazy love for this little pain-in-the-ass with a bell that was my daughter, I leaped onto the bed and gathered her into my arms. "Do you KNOW how much I love you? DO YOU?"
She nodded and laughed a muffled laugh into my chest. "Yesth."
And then I got up and went to make her that damned tea. With bells on.

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