Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Brain Leaks

by Cathy



Whew! That was close. You almost got nailed by one of my escaping thoughts, which consistently attempt to abandon the confines of my otherwise "sane" mind!

Once free, these thoughts bolt like bats outta hell - and how fitting, since they enter some cosmically black hole - the same place that hair twisties, and matches to pairs of socks and gloves go to, never to be reached, seen or heard from again. My thoughts just aimlessly wander out there in the Lost Things Milky Way, partying it up and having a cocktail, dressed to the nines in those hair ties, gloves and socks, while pointing and laughing back down here on Earth at me, who is left in a trance-like state, just blinking. Thoughtlessly. <enter cricket sounds> Blink. Blink. Blink.

This post has been in the works for a couple of months now. I started it and then..SURPRISE...I forgot about it. And I know that there were specific occurrences that prompted me to begin this post, but for the life of me, guess what? I can't remember what they were.

Just the other day - and I'm surprised I am remembering this - I called my mom with two items to talk about. One was asking her to watch the kids. And the other? What was it? I knew it had nothing to do with the kids but I had mentally filed it under 'Phone call to Mom'. So there I sat on the phone, forcing my mom to endure long awkward silences as I "ummmed" and "hmmmmed" my way through the dark, dusty corners of my mind. Sure enough, I couldn't recall it so I hung up and promised to call her back when I remembered. Well, eventually, I remembered. But did I call her back? Nope. I forgot.

Last night as I was in the midst of post-Costco shuffle, putting groceries away, packing, breaking down boxes, organizing the pantry and fridge, while making dinner for the kids, I heard the microwave beep. I was sitting on the floor in front of the open fridge organizing the year-supply of chocolate milk cartons, when I heard the beep, beep, beeeeeep. What the?

"Honey, " I asked my husband, who was standing nearby. "Can you check to see what's in the microwave?" I thought I just put something in there but don't remember what it was.

"Dude," he eloquently responds. "You just put the tea in there to warm it up. Don't you remember?"

Oh yeah. It was only 30 seconds ago. I did remember, but not until he mentioned it.

Oh my God, is this bad?? It is, isn't it. Am I going senile waaaaay before my time? Could it be dimentia? Maybe it's early onset Alzheimers. Maybe I'm going Loco. Loopy. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Yeah. That'll be my new nick name. Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Cathy.
The thing about this post that I DO remember wanting to say is that getting old sucks. That having 3,631,953 things on my mind and doing 183 things at once doesn't help. That multitasking is great if you can actually see every task through. That beginning something and not finishing it just adds to the problem. That there will constantly be distractions that interfere with everything. And all of this, messes with the normal, human thought process - no matter what your age is.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go call my mother back.


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