Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Broke(en) Communications

by Patti 

The other day, Cathy’s husband, Joe, came to our house to drop off their older daughter, Bella, so that she and S could go to ballet rehearsal together. Joe hadn’t really been inside our house much, and upon really seeing it for the first time, he told us how beautiful he thought it was. Logically, M immediately offered Joe the chance to buy it. “Want it? I can’t afford it anymore. I’m broke.” Joe looked a little shocked, like he wasn’t really sure if M was kidding or not, but before he could really ponder it any further, M continued, “No, seriously, man. We are flat broke. Take this house. I can’t pay for it anymore.”

A few days later, I get an email from Cathy telling me that her husband had gone home that day and told her that he was very worried about us; that he wondered just how bad things really were; that M had offered him the chance buy our house.  Now, after almost 23 years together, I know my husband pretty well. I know that he is worried about money these days, but I also know that he is ALWAYS worried about money. It’s just the way he is built. Some are built for speed, others for adventure, while others? For worrying. Nonstop. About everything. Especially money. And that is M. If we don’t have a million dollars in the bank, according to him, we are broke. I explained this to Cathy, and asked her to please reassure Joe that we were still a few hundred miles from “tin-can on the corner” status. After all, it seemed that M's "I'm broke" requiem inadvertently gave off the impression we were about to trade in the living room couch for some cardboard and a Sharpie.

But this is M. I mean, Joe is a friend of ours; we’ve had dinners together, our girls are best friends, he is of the same Latino brotherhood into which M was also born and raised. M said this to Joe as a person he knows and trusts. But, M’s stock answer for pretty much anybody when they ask him how he’s doing?  

Grocery store cashier : How are you today?
M: Broke
Doctor: How are you feeling?
M: Broke
S’s teacher: How are things going at home?
M: We're broke.

M is all about the “truth”, and not faking it, and that is one thing I love about him. And I know and understand that life in the “Countin’ on that Paycheck” lane can be pretty stressful, especially when somebody’s property taxes keep somehow going up. And up! And up? But, seriously? I may have to duct tape his mouth shut before I open the front door to find a bag of groceries and some blankets left by “anonymous”.

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