Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's ValenTimes Day!

A gentle reminder on this holiday of love...Happy Valentine's Day!

 by Cathy

Yes, that's right folks. Today, it's time for some Valen. Yes siree bub.
Forget Hammer Time. It's Valen Time.

I can't get to the lovey, dovey, squishy, cuddly, hearts-a-flutter part of today's holiday, without pointing out that so many people - (young children excluded) say Valentime instead of Valentine. It irks me to no end. Grown-ass people. People my age. Do you not think about what you are saying while you're saying it? Who or what is Valentime? You do know we celebrate St. Valentine, right?
And while you're in a conversation with this grown-ass person who says Valentimes, you just don't have the 'heart' (ha ha ha) to blatantly correct them, so your response will reiterate the word except in the correct form, in the hopes that they GET it. But nooooo....yet again, that word tumbles out of their ill-forming mouth in the incorrect form.

While I'm on this soapbox, I need to take the opportunity to point out other grammatical errors that sit on the same level of annoyance with me.  People, pay attention:
It's Anyway, not Anyways
It's Regardless, not Irregardless
It's Sandwich, not Samwich
It's Supposedly, not Supposably
It's Probably, not Probally
And Groundhog Day (not Groundhogs Day) and Valentine's Day are both in February (not Febuary).

Okay. I've said my piece and feel much better now that that's out there. Enough with the hatin' now on with the lovin'.

No matter how you pronounce it, Valentine's Day means different things for different people. The emotions, feelings and attitudes that come with it run the gamut from bliss to pressure to expectations that are either exceeded or that never come to fruition. Love it or hate it, it's there, smacking you in the face every time you walk into a store or turn on the television. For some it's a chance to really take a day and honor, appreciate and pamper the person you love. For others, it's trivial, forced, Hallmarky and a huge money suck. After all, you should love and appreciate your significant other every day of the year. Riiiigghhht???

As for me, I don't put too much emphasis on it, although I would like it acknowledged in some small way from my husband, as I will do the same for him. Somtimes, the smallest things mean the most. Other women, don't feel that way and that is their prerogative.

But where I don't have any problem making it a big deal is when it comes to my girls. Yes, hugs and kisses and praises and compliments are dished out to them on a daily basis, but what really does it for them is the whole look and feel of Valentine's day. The colors! Pink! Red! The heart-shaped chocolates! The heart-shaped anything! Flowers! Cutesy cards! Valentine's Day cards for their schoolmates! Balloons! Teddy bears! It's such a pretty holiday. Valentine decorations are pretty to look at and induce the feeling of warmness and fuzziness and well, LOVE.

A tribute to the Heart Holiday by Ari and I 
adorns our back door.

Happy Valentine's Day to all the people I love!

Yes, even those that mispronounce it. :)

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