by Cathy
We have officially become an iFamily.
This status was acheived recently with my husband's purchase of an iPhone. (Granted, he had an iPad but that doesn't count for the purpose of this post.) He was the last holdout with his puny Android My Touch and its green and grainy camera and its frustratingly slow as molasses browsing capabilities. He didn't even use half the features on it because of that reason and God forbid, didn't even think about downloading an app from its limited app marketplace button thingy.
Therefore, at my persistent urging, since I couldn't bear to hear, "I have GOT to get a new phone!" one more time and every time it shut down on him in the middle of a call or he almost threw it against the wall because he was waiting centuries for it to upload a web address, he finally crossed over into a territory most hospitable and welcoming: Appleville. Like most families, we are now on one tidyly packaged Verizon family plan.
No offense against any other type of phones/phone users; your phones are just as great and heck, maybe even better in some respects. But we really don't care, because we are Apple Fans through and through. We've never owned PCs and the two times we ventured out on a limb and went with Androids, both times were a bust. Case in point, exhibit A, my husband. Exhibit B, my tween, for whom we purchased said phone and in return, got this:
"MooooOOOOM! I can't download anything on this phone! There are no good apps! It takes forever! It's so annoying! I want an iPhone! When can I get my iPhone?!"
So as the circle of life commands, her iPod, complete with with shattered glass yet still 100% functional and loaded with game apps envied by children of all ages, was bequeathed unto a very satisfied younger sister, who has quickly and thankfully gotten past the novelty of having an iPod. (That makes only one of my kids not hooked up to a device like a life support I.V.) Until...she gets wind of how "cool" it would be to have a cell phone when the time comes for her to have a cell phone. For now, I rejoice.
As for me, I happily was the first to make
I will keep the faith - Jobs or no Jobs. No matter how far the stock falls, no matter how many cleverly humorous television commercials try to trash the "original", I will be here for it. And so, from the looks of it, will my iFamily.
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