by Cathy and Patti
Ahhh, the good old days. There was no Facebook. No Twitter. No Internet, period.
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Dinosaur Technology |
the lingo: Wi-fi, routers, iCloud (i Everything), apps, HDMI, hotspots, VOIP, USB, social media, interfacing, SEO, etc.
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She's a brick.... phone! |
At times, it feels overwhelming, this need to keep up or fall off the face of the earth. If you can't communicate via a computer, smartphone, or tablet, you might as well crawl under a prehistoric rock. Imagine if it seems hard for us forty-somethings now to keep up with tutorials on building our own websites and creating our own blogs (widgets! badges! gadgets! linkies!) how much more difficult it is to cope with living life in a technologically-driven society for our parents. Once their generation dies off, there will be no humble recollection of the slow-paced simplicity that once was. And that is one sad realization.
Technological advancement is running so far in advance, that it is circling back around and onto itself, actually back-pedaling from its intended purpose. People have become so reliant on it that they forget the basics. And it's time for the technology advancers to leave well enough alone.
I've seen the repercussions of technology takeover firsthand on several occasions. (People, you CAN use your key to open your car door if your remote doesn't work!)
Upon entering our house the other day after school, barely having taken off their coats, my kids scissored out in each direction to stake their claim on our tech devices. Ari claimed the house computer and Bella grabbed my iPhone and begged me for the passcode so she can text her friends.
"I told you, I am not giving you my passcode," I said frustratingly. "Just email your friend!"
"I can't if Ari is on the computer!" she retorted.
"Or CALL her," said my husband matter-of-factly. Honestly, this made me stop dead in my tracks.
'Oh yeah!' I thought. 'She CAN just call her. Duh!' It just proved how we've been programmed to default to technology.
My parents are immigrants who have never gone to school here. They can speak well enough to communicate but when it comes to dealing with their phone bill or calling Blue Cross Blue Shield about their policy, I take on those tasks for them.
At their house the other day, I clicked the phone on speaker mode and they listened in at how things are now done.
"Policy," I stated clearly into the phone.
"Representative," I stated a few seconds later.
I was having a conversation with an automated machine. I wondered how much money it took for them to build and create a voice recognition system that could converse with a human, instead of giving a job to someone and doing it the old fashioned way. Was this really a necessary technological advancement?
"You have to talk to a machine now," my mom commented aloud. "Instead of a person." Her comment pretty much clinched the absurdity of it all. She lamented to me about how she feels that technology will eventually replace the need for people to leave their houses to go anywhere - the bank, the grocery store, the post office - since these places will be rendered useless. You can do it all from your computer! So in essence, the monster we've created to better communicate with one another will end up becoming the ultimate isolator.
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Convenient? Or confusing? |
If you have a Gmail account, you know that your email account has recently become NEW! and IMPROVED! And if you don't switch over willingly, it will eventually be done for you. Same goes for Facebook and their new tell-all timeline structure. Like it or not, if you want to use Facebook, you must abide by the new rules created by bored, bazillionaire moguls to come up with ways to invade your privacy further, annoy you to no end and ultimately, make it all user-unfriendly.
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That Google! Changing its homepage because it was bored! |
I had to wonder: Why did they take the time to change what was truly already absolutely just fine? In fact, all they did was create stress. If it confused me, a pretty technologically adept person, and almost panicked Cathy, who, while not a technology genius, is certainly smart, experienced, and resourceful enough to figure it out if need be, imagine what it did to people like my mom, who still doesn't get that she can check her email from a computer other than her own - because, you know, the email lives in her computer.
But I am to blame. After all, my old email account, the one that had served me loyally and well for 15 years, was also just fine. And I abandoned it. For something better. So it serves me right that my "something better" also abandoned me for something better.
Explain that.
Just make sure you send that explanation via email. IM is probably better. Or you can Tweet it. Better yet: Post it on my Facebook page. Oh, wait - they are changing their interface again and it might be confusing for me to find. You know what? Call me.